pakr ha joon
pakr ha joon
YEAH1's policy of temporarily suspending concert production and focusing on TV programs has been a short-term negative factor in the market, and has acted as a downward pressure along with the selling...Thêm
This stock is in the process of digesting the arbitrage sale price for the amount of shares that were recently increased by 40% of the total number of shares held at 10,000 won. If this digestion proc...Thêm
It is a process of naturally digesting the selling price by hitting an old selling wall. It flies when a long bullish candle appears that strongly breaks through the 16K level. Now is the time to coll...Thêm
The sectors that will escape the risk of the US tariff-trade war are culture, performance, entertainment, and infrastructure-related companies, materials, and construction. YEG's stock price will be s...Thêm
After 14:00, selling pressure for payment of 40% new share issuance will decrease significantly. Please hurry and pick up the quantity for sale!
The selling tax to pay the purchase price for the new stock issued (40%) will be completed by today. Now, in March, a Brothers Concert will be held in Ho Chi Minh City by inviting players from the nat...Thêm
Since payment for 40% of the new stock issuance (10,000 VND/share) is due until next Monday, March 3, there is strong downward pressure on the stock price until then. The selling trend will disappear ...Thêm
Reasons for the current stock price stagnation and views on the future stock price outlook...
1. The additional paid-in capital increase of 40% of the stocks held (10,000 VND/share) is having a signifi...Thêm
Only look at YEG long-term investors~
Have you seen this drama? This is a drama produced by YEAH 1 TV Studio. Considering the development process of Korea, an advanced entertainment country, invest in ...Thêm
Typical stock price movements of turn-around stocks.
Năm nay là năm bắt đầu nhiệm kỳ thứ hai của Trump, và một “chiến tranh thương mại và trả đũa thuế quan” sẽ xảy ra giữa Hoa Kỳ và từng quốc gia có thặng dư thương mại, điều này sẽ trở thành gánh nặng c...Thêm
In fact, the stock price began to rebound at the intersection of -40% of the high point (24K) and the 50-day line, which is the mid-term moving average. Stocks in this turning-around cycle continue t...Thêm
This is not simply based on chart analysis relying on technical analysis. This is because the financial sector is improving along with performance improvement due to continued success at the box offic...Thêm
After reaching the 200-day line, which was a turnaround after a long long-term decline (200-day line), the stock price soared to 12K for 3 months until December 23, but fell and adjusted again, fallin...Thêm
Now, I bought it at 5.1K around February 23, and have been holding it ever since. After bottoming out at 4K in November 2022, it soared to 7K in December 2022, a month later, and was adjusted to the ...Thêm
It's been a while since I posted. When the stock price falls, I stop posting for a while because I curse so much and leave malicious comments about the positive view of YEG's long-term prospects and t...Thêm
Poor lost again. Below 20K, I was advised to increase the quantity little by little every time it falls. Let's wait for a few months! Then evaluate whether I was wrong!
What is YEG’s fair stock price (value)?
Another performance is scheduled in Ho Chi Minh City in March... This time, it is said that the winning members of the ASEAN Cup have been invited, so it will b...Thêm


Giấy phép MXH số 251/GP-BTTTT do Bộ TTTT cấp ngày 23/05/2022
Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung: Ngô Minh Long